
No followers but hey...

Just to let you know that I am not slacking, I have just been ill for the past week so haven't been awake much let alone on the computer so. But I did go to see the Inbetweeners movie and it is hilarious, even if you don't like the show go because it is honestly the most hilarious thing I have seen in ages! Also realised lately that my art project needs to be done. EEEK! It's a sort or pre-planning piece we had to do over the summer but I have had no ideas so thought I could ask you what you think when you hear the words Borders, Barriers and Territories. Now it could be what you think of them individually or all together. Anything that springs to mind is great, after all this is art. Some things I came up with were physical borders i.e. the obvious fences and iron gates which could be incorporated into a sculpture piece etc; gang territories involving street art; sexual territories looking at male and female boundaries or even transvestites; clothes being a barrier and lots of other ideas. My main problem is how to sketch or paint them, so far i can just photograph them and I haven't got many photographs either so any ideas where i could find some of these things would be great as well. 

Would be great if you could help but again sorry for there not being a lot of posts lately

Rhea x

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