

Hope 2012 is kinder to us than 2011! On that note have you thought of any New Year resolutions? If so it would be great for you to share them with me. I sort of make mine up as I go along, so, so far I have: 
  • be kinder to others and myself 
  • try and do well in exams 
  • CARPE DIEM! seize the day like no other and don't be scared of the future 
  • don't dwell on the past 
Thats about it so far but I'm sure there will be more. Also, how did you spend your New Years?! This year was the first I spent without my family- instead I was with my friends and it was such a great night. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of myself in my outfit but there were photos taken at the party so if I can get hold of them I shall add them to another post, I just really wanted to get this up on the 1st so here we are. Hope wherever you were you had  a great evening to bring in the New Year. 



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